dimi309 - game development

About me

I am a boring corporate systems developer / maintainer who sometimes writes games as a hobby. I use C++ and my own game development library. This is a static webiste. I have been known to blog a bit at gamedev.net but nowadays I mostly post whatever I want to say on X (Twitter).

Project Catalogue

Islet Hell

A simple flight simulator. Available on Steam free of charge (for Windows, MacOS and Linux).

Islet Hell game

It is also available for mobile devices (again, free of charge).

Islet Hell on the Apple App Store Islet Hell on Google Play

As stated in the privacy policy the game collects no data from the players.


A basic 3D shooter. It is open source. It works on Windows, MacOS, Linux and FreeBSD.

Gloom game


A 3D game development library that works on Windows, MacOS, Linux, FreeBSD, iOS and Android. It is open source too. Also check out the documentation, tutorial, and boilerplate code.

small3d logo

First games made with small3d

The first games ever made with small3d are available on GitHub.

first games

Serial Model Renderer

small3d-based program that serially loads and renders 3D models and rotates them on the screen, available on GitHub.

Serial Model Renderer